Forums are now available for discussion. Commence clicking.

Boone Spooner has a CD with some songs on it. Click here for more info on his website.

Pierre Blondin, a Frenchman, has written a letter to Gordon Smith, C.E.O. of Pacific Gas and Electric, a company in California that has problems with electricity.

We have found some things written on various objects in France.

I have been receiving emails from a man in Los Angeles called Stephen Aquarius. Supposedly, he throws parties. Some of the emails are unedited here.

The first installment of an email exchange between Boone Spooner and Ricky Opaterny has been posted in a highly unedited form.

The first in a series of essays written in the style of college admissions essays with slight modifications is now available.

Some audio excerpts from the 14 March detective novel lecture are available. They are rather strange. (Real Player required)

The University of California's Education Abroad Program is holding a photo contest; I responded.

Click here for a brief reading history.

Picture links are below: begin browsing.

Interlude I: America
The First Week in Toulouse
Weeks 2 and 3
Café Lumières (13 September 2000)
More from Café Lumières
15 September 2000
15 September 2000 Continued
16 September 2000
what I believe to be the fourth week in Toulouse
the last days of summer in Paris
page two from Paris
page three from Paris
page four from Paris
The First Week or Two of October
The Rest of October
The Month of November
My apartment in late November
1 December, 2000
The last days of December before vacation

Interlude 2: America in Transition
25 January 2001 Café Belge
29 January 2001—perhaps the only time you will ever see me eating chocolate
Winter's Wane in Paris
Some pictures of people with books
Spring Training as seen from 5,500 miles away, or Paris 8-10 March 2001
More people with books
Boston during the cruelest month
28 May 2001 UC end of the year dinner
26-27 June 2001 in Barcelona

Email me

Flies like a frisbee, but tastes like rocks.