The litter in littérateur. Ricky Opaterny on Books, Music, Art, and Sports


Indies Under Fire screening September 30

Filed under: Books,General,Save Kepler's — Ricky @ 10:36 pm

Kepler’s is sponsoring a screening of the film Indies Under Fire about the decline of independent bookstores in America. The screening will take place at 7:30 pm on September 30 at 700 Santa Cruz Avenue in Menlo Park.

If the film’s trailer is a good indication of its actual content, it looks like the documentary is yet another sentimental, corporate-bashing look at indie bookstores that refuses to do the hard work of pointing a critical eye at indies themselves and asking why the independent bookselling business has been stagnant and so incredibly slow to innovate or pioneer new business practices over the past few decades.


  1. I think this is the first film review I have ever seen based wholly on the trailer. If you bought a copy, and actually watched it, you would know better.

    Comment by Dave V — 1/19/2007 @ 11:40 am

  2. […] A few months ago, I posted about what was, at the time, an upcoming screening of the film Indies Under Fire sponsored by Kepler’s. Based on the film’s trailer, which I watched online, I wrote that it looked to be “another sentimental, corporate-bashing look at indie bookstores that refuses to do the hard work of pointing a critical eye at indies themselves and asking why the independent bookselling business has been stagnant and so incredibly slow to innovate or pioneer new business practices over the past few decades.” I recently received a comment from a reader who thought I might not have written that has I actually seen the film. […]

    Pingback by Indies Under Fire: better than the trailer? » The litter in littérateur. — 3/15/2007 @ 3:48 pm

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