The litter in littérateur. Ricky Opaterny on Books, Music, Art, and Sports


With sadness: Gotham Book Mart in trouble

Filed under: Books,General,Save Kepler's — Ricky @ 11:17 am

It looks like Gotham Book Mart in New York is in trouble once again. This is my favorite store in the country, and I hope something can be done to keep the store open.

From the New York Times story today:

In the last six months, the owners of the building have moved to evict the store and its owner, Andreas Brown. Friends of Mr. Brown’s say the building’s owners were only trying to help Gotham get on its feet. They say that Mr. Brown, who hoped to buy the building eventually, fell behind on his $51,000 monthly rent, and owes at least $500,000 in rent, taxes, interest and other fees.

Whether he fell behind because he lost momentum during the difficult transition after the move from the old building or because — as some friends say — he devoted his money to his first love, buying more books, and to paying his employees rather than his rent, the Gotham is fighting for its life once again.
What is clear is that a judge has authorized a city marshal to seize hundreds of thousands of items worth, perhaps, millions of dollars; that the store is closed, though employees are still allowed inside; and that Mr. Brown, who is 73, is no longer living there.

Mr. Brown’s lawyer, Lawrence D. Bernfeld, said yesterday that the current owner of the building, listed in real estate records only as 16 East 46th Street Property L.L.C., was willing, for just a brief time, to entertain offers to sell the building at below-market price to a new owner who would continue renting to the Gotham. “Should such a contract go forward, enlightened capitalism will be at work,” Mr. Bernfeld said.

I spoke with Andreas in the spring of 2005 for a story and posted previously on this blog about my love for his store.


  1. If Gotham Books goes under it will only prove that we Americans are even stupider than the pliticians believe us. Gotham Books opened doors and worlds to the literate…Who will lite the candle if the Gotham is no more? Corporate America will have its way and we Amreicans will pay with the loss of not only a landmark but a statement of comitment to knoweledge and culture.What Gotham Books has given Gotham City is priceless. My heart goes out for Andreas Brown as he has led many a horse to water and it has drank and flourished!

    Comment by Castle Halloween Museum — 2/20/2007 @ 8:49 pm

  2. what happened to the millions they got for selling the old building?

    Why can’t people just leave well enough alone.

    Comment by jim — 3/5/2007 @ 2:29 pm

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