The litter in littérateur. Ricky Opaterny on Books, Music, Art, and Sports


Kepler’s Reopening on Saturday, Oct. 8—Volunteers Needed

Filed under: Books,General,Save Kepler's — Ricky @ 8:53 am

Kepler’s will be reopening this Saturday, October 8. There will be a rally outside the store at 11 am. Following the rally, the store will reopen. Additionally, a membership table will be taking membership pledges all day long outside the store. There will be a raffle. There will be fun. This event is not to be missed. Thank you to all of you in the community who have expressed support for the bookstore over the past month. This reopening would not be possible without you. Stay tuned to as there will be additional events announced soon. You will not be disappointed.

Here is the press release announcing the reopening.

We do need your help, however. Kepler’s is looking for people to volunteer in various capacities. A list of volunteer opportunities follows below:

* Work at a membership table and take membership pledges. We need people to work three-hour shifts on the following days:
November 4, 5 pm to 11 pm
November 5, 5 pm to 11 pm
November 6, 9 am to 5 pm

* Solicit memberships via phone and email.

* Perform general office work.

* Underwrite special events. Let us know if your company is interested.

* Administer database management.

* Host an author event at your house.

If you are interested in volunteering in any of the above capacities, please email us with your volunteer interests and availability.


  1. Would like to help brainstorm new programs and bring digital technology into play.

    Comment by Phil Brattain — 10/3/2005 @ 10:08 am

  2. Some of us are out of state. Can you post the membership details? Thanks. (Great news.)

    Comment by Karen Anne — 10/3/2005 @ 10:58 am

  3. I would like to volunteer. Since I previously worked at Keplers I would love to help reshelve and restock or even do the paperwork stuff. Congratulations Clark!

    Kevyn Andrews

    Comment by Kevyn Andrews — 10/3/2005 @ 2:17 pm

  4. So happy and relieved! Another out of state member here–let us know how. Sorry I’m too far away to volunteer.

    Comment by Jude Hsiang — 10/3/2005 @ 7:43 pm

  5. Bravo!! Here’s something to celebrate the moment.

    Sonnet For Kepler’s

    In tired and bushed America, we live
    Upon a barren rock and hoard the books
    And culture that we can. So we can give
    These back when life responds with sunshine looks.
    Thus Kepler’s. Not just books or merely sales.
    But here commitment to a growth of mind,
    Where people come to learn and grow their souls
    And from fragmented thoughts a whole to find.
    Like monks in darkest times they tend the fire
    Of knowledge, send disciples forth to spread
    The word of purchased light. And move us high’r
    From off the barren rock, by knowledge fed.
    And so a Renaissance, we hope, we find.
    A world ruled not by war but better minds.

    Comment by Bob Siegmann — 10/4/2005 @ 1:14 pm

  6. Great news.

    I have some questions, which I’m sure other people will have, too.

    1) What is the status of the store? EG, who will own it now?

    2) What are memberships for? What can you do with a membership that
    you can’t do without one?

    3) Regarding restocking the store, what about the former employees?
    Are some or all of them still employed by Keplers?


    Comment by paul — 10/4/2005 @ 3:48 pm

  7. Paul,

    It said in some of the news reports that there was a new lease with the Tan group, so I imagine the store ownership has not changed.

    The memberships are primarily to support the store financially. Apparently it will be announced around the time that the store reopens if there are any associated perks.

    Clark Kepler said somewhere that a good chunk of the former employees were still available and would be back.

    All this I know from the news media and web sites, I have no special info.

    Comment by Karen Anne — 10/5/2005 @ 9:41 am

  8. I hope there will soon be a website so we can purchase materials on-line and promote same to our out of town friends.

    Comment by Sherry — 10/6/2005 @ 8:19 am

  9. As a native of Burlingame and relative of Dana Morgan Music on Bryant St in Palo Alto, I’ve been following Kepler’s for many many years, esp the 60’s when Garcia taught Bobby Weir at my uncle’s music shop while Pig Pen was the janitor and my cousin the 1st bass player in the band before Phil Lesh took over. I now live in London and Stockholm but come home as often as I am able.
    I’m sorry not to be able to be there to celibrate the re-opening/continuance of Kepler’s Books. So, my heartfelt congratulations and cheers come to you from The United States of Europe. Well done, everyone!!!!! Have a great day. The future has now got a glimmer of hope (at least locally!!!!)
    Best wishes everyone,
    Stephen Bennett

    Comment by Stephen Bennett — 10/8/2005 @ 9:57 am

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