- #fnfw Edmund White: “…the challenge of teaching purpose-driven people the value of laziness.” #
- If you read one article published this weekend, it should be Josh in the WSJ on Raoul Wallenberg: http://rickyopaterny.com/shorturl/prager/ #
- RT @R_Nash: David Silverman’s short list of the most pompous business words http://is.gd/k9YA #
- “You gotta feed animals; otherwise, they die.” –Dr. Juan Ramos, Harvard ’05 #
- Roger Angell in the New Yorker–always an event to celebrate or, at least, Tweet: http://rickyopaterny.com/shorturl/torrebio/ #
- We will be the Taxed Generation. #
- Congrats, Conor: http://tinyurl.com/dyv9nl #
- Zen Palate Union Square may have closed but there’s one in the Financial and they deliver with Seamless + discount code! #
- Updike and Cheever on the Dick Cavett Show: http://rickyopaterny.com/shorturl/jujc/ #
- RT @TechCrunch: [News] Amazon launches Kindle application for the iPhone http://twurl.nl/uzgmhi #
- NYTimes iPhone app just updated to include nearly all the features I wanted! Woo hoo! #
- NYTimes iPhone app just updated to include nearly all the features I wanted! Woo hoo! Now NYT needs to start charging for this thing. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-06
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