Inspired by Fred Wilson’s, I decided to see if I could add a playlist to my website using Streampad. As you can see, I now have Streampad’s player running at the bottom of this page. Here are the steps you’ll need to take to add it to your own site:
- Set up a Tumblr blog and start posting music to your blog in MP3 format. Tumblr allows you to upload one MP3 file a day or you could link to MP3s hosted elsewhere. This will become your playlist for Streampad.
- Insert Streampad’s code in your page template’s header between the <head> and </head> tags.
- Here’s the code to insert. Make sure that you change the Tumblr URL to your own URL: <script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>
- You can delete the autoplay parameter if you don’t want Streampad to start playing automatically when a user loads your page. There are several other parameters you can add to the JS URL to alter the appearance of the player.